Boudoir Client Intake Form + Recap Email Template


Do you find yourself losing track of initial client interactions? Want to take your phone call notes off of the computer and back on pen and paper (or on your iPad/tablet)?

Nothing is worse than your client thinking that you’re not paying attention and really getting to know them. Let my Client Intake Form help give you the outline!

This form helps keep your train of thought organized and stay on track throughout gathering information on a potential client. It includes 2 of my major questions I ask for my own prospective clients as well as plenty of sections to add additional notes or details about who you had your call with.

But don’t just give them radio silence after your call, whether they do or do not book 👀

I’ve also included my EXACT Recap Email Template that gives the callers all of the information you talk about over the phone, right there at their finger tips to review whenever they want. It is a simple and efficient email that goes over the important details like their why, studio costs and ways to pay.


I’ve also included my super simple Email Follow Up sequence for those who don’t immediately book on the phone with me. It includes what I send to my clients as well as timing. It’s not rocket science but it helps keep you top of mind for the crucial week following your initial call.

This is my FULL client intake workflow that you’re getting and I’m including everything I use for my own clients because I want to give you the systems I know work for me! Feel free to cater any part of these resources to best suit your vision and brand.


ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Due to the nature of this digital product, all sales are final and non refundable. There is a $25 Service Fee for any duplicates manually sent out.


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